Monday, September 27, 2010

This or That

I'm not sure which is worse:

The fact that Someone within 5 miles of me. Someone who resides in my very small and rural-suburban zip code. - Someone who sleeps in the same school district that educates my children.
That someone googled "used vagina pictures." - GROSS!

Or That
The search for "used vagina pictures" brought them to my blog.

I was about to say that I have never posted pictures of a vagina here (or anywhere for that matter - Sassy's hooha is not for public consumption. Bwahahaha!). But then I remembered the video of the stuffed talking vagina*. I was pretty sure I posted it around the same time as the post about the Used Rusty Vagina Exercise Equipment that Nortie gave me for my birthday.


OK, so perhaps I did actually earned that search hit.

*The video of the talking vagina was indeed on the rusty vagina present post. It has since been removed from YouTube. Go figure.


nortiebug said...

So glad I could help in someone's sick, twisted Google searches. To this day, that is still the best damn b-day present ever..period!

Bil said...

escort in Barcelona is very good!