Wednesday, May 6, 2009

BORING Random Bits

  • My blind date that is even more "blind" than normal blind dates but actually kind of not really a blind date - might turn out to be a cancelled blind date. Or a rescheduled blind date. Or perhaps I should just slap on some blaze orange and wait for him to find me. See, things get very complicated when Amy gets involved in your love life.
  • Ex is back from the surface of the sun. We need to catch up.
  • Harley is a world class Crapper!
  • There's a book we need to talk about. Actually, I need to talk about it so I can convince you to read it. But I don't want to talk about it until I'm done reading it. And I probably won't finish it tonight since I'm still hoping that my really blind not actually blind date will not be post-poned.
  • Thing2 made an Obama robot in science. It's awesome
  • I STILL did not get birthday brownies last night. Now I'm hoping that I'll get Mother's Day brownies.
  • Embarassing admition of the day: I want to see the Hannah Montana movie. (quit judging, my inner 7 year old girl needs me some Hannah)

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

lol. Maybe you'll loan me the book if it is a must read. :)

Or come visit you can take my daughter to the movie and no one will even question it. :)

hahahah harley the crapper, you were warned. just sayin.