Friday, December 21, 2007

What the F*CK was I thinking?

Thing1 turned 12 yesterday. He now has his very own cell phone. CRAP! I'm not sure what the hell I was thinking when I went ahead with that bit of craziness. Anyway, as I was tossing and turning in bed, trying not to imagine all the trouble he could get into (not to mention the potential for financial ruin in text charges alone), I did some self reflection.

In less than a year I'll be the mother of a teenager. Eeek! Ok, so not really a surprise. But, my life has sure done a lot of changing over the past year.

The Things are growing and maturing and becoming little men. It's extraordinary and frightening.

I'm single. It's awesome and holyshitballs-scary.

My job title is the same but the responsibilities have grown and changed into something completely perfect for me.

I have made some great new friends and sadly let go of others.

I have fallen in love and had my heart shattered in traumatic and painful ways.

I have put that heart back together and become stronger, more resilient.

I've never been one for buying into the "going back and changing something" line of thought about my life. I wouldn't change anything. There are certainly decisions I have made that I regret. But facing the ups and downs of my life and pushing through them are what have made me who I am today. I've have been so very blessed throughout my life. I have also had some bumps and bruises that I wasn't sure I would make it through (haven't we all?). Yet I did make it through them and here I stand today...

I like my life. I am proud of the person that I am.

Call me crazy, but: I like me.

Merry Christmas to all of you lovely peep-holes!

(quick, come under the mistletoe and let's smooch!)


Ev said...

Oh, hell. That was such a nice post that I'd more than kiss you...I'd do ya under the mistletoe.

Good for you for keeping a long-range approach to life. I try not to get too whipped up about whatever's going on in the present; everything's temporary, just ride out the rough times and it'll be better.

I'll enjoy your teenagers, except for the times you want to kill them. And then you'll swoon with love for your 20-somethings, who will be enough like you to crack you up and enough not like you to be fascinating.

Swistle said...

Merry Christmas! MWWWWWWWWWAH!

I totally agree with the comment you left. I had to delete it today because I'm going through my entire archives to make the blog ready for people in real life to read it, and I deleted my TMI post, so then I had to delete the comment that referred to it, but I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU. TOTALLY. And didn't want you to think I deleted the comment for some other reason.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Happy New Year to You,

Glad you've got things going your way and know that teenagers are the next hurdle.

You are doing ok and all of your readers love that about you (even if we don't really know you), but, you know. We do.

Thanks for posting,

Chris Cactus said...

Merry Christmas (a little late).