Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wyoming's not-so-Wordless Wednesday

This was one of the amazing sites the Things and I experienced while on vacation this summer.
Devil's Tower, Wyoming.

I'm rather proud of the picture. I've been thinking about framing some of my work. Any advice for matting and framing photography?

From the comments and emails I got, some of you were worried that I was upset/depressed on Monday when things ended with that guy. I was disappointed but not surprised. I sort of saw it coming and if he hadn't done it, I probably would have in the near future. I've finally come to understand and accept that even though someone is an incredible person, it doesn't mean they are right for me or vice versa. He wasn't right for me and vice versa. So there you have it.
I'm still willing and ready to put myself out there - to get excited and to swoon - and to admit that even though it's been fun, this one just isn't it for me. So, to summarize, I'm still the obnoxious hopeless romantic that I've always been. I'm just a little more mature about it. shaddup, i'm am too mature!

And now I give you a few Dating Site WTF's to get you over your hump:
  • What the hell is up with dating site names? Guys who call themselves Hotguy497 with up to 6 extra t's or y's or Sexuup87654. These are the same guys who have tag lines that say "Screw Milk. I Do A Body Good." While that's clever and all, I still have to wonder if that line actually works for them.

  • Using pictures of models on your profile is lying. Having 9 pictures of someone who is clearly a model with 1 flabby-assed-zit-covered-70's-mustach-sporting picture of yourself tossed into the middle doesn't make you clever. And I am not a shallow bitch for not responding to your email. Dishonesty is as uglier than that unibrow eating your face.


KittyCat said...

LOVE it! I not only have been there and have similar awesome photos but I used to live in Wyoming at one point. Amazing place.

Unknown said...

fuck me that picture is AWESOME!
I'd go BIG frame (twss) with a light colored (or matching) mat...PURE AWESOMENESS.

I have no fear that you will find someone that you are meant for and VICE VERSA. Plus, I love reading your dating woes and successes.

dating service "ads" suck donkey balls. Liars...all of them. ;)

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