Throughout the evening we talked, laughed and shot some pool. We drank some beers and flirted. He even got up the nerve to kiss me when he claims he's never been the first kiss initiator before. I've initiated many times and I was definitely too nervous that night. We made plans to see each other again that weekend...
It's been a very good year.
Here's how I know I'm up for another one:
I'm a planner. Must have a plan. Even if we have to change the plan and wing it at the last minute, I. Need. A. Plan.
SM is not a planner. In fact, even when I specifically ask him about plans he hedges around hating to commit to it, as if locking himself into a time will squoosh all the air out of his lungs. He'd much rather act in the moment.
We were discussing having an actual DATE this weekend to celebrate 1 year and Valentines Day. I wanted ideas of what to do so I could figure out a wardrobe. He was thwarting me at every turn and driving me absolutely ape-shit crazy!
Today I got this email-
Saturday Schedule
I am getting up at 5:45AMLeaving house at 6:15
Hunting from 6:30 to 7:30
Work from 8AM to 11 or 12 (whichever comes first)
Eat lunch at 12
Nap from 1 to 2
Shower and head to your house
Arrive at your house at 3:30
Kiss you from 3:30-3:45
Take you to your room and %^&@$#%&!@(@ (OMG)
Get dressed again at 4:30
Leave at 4:45
Arrive at restaurant 5:10
Eat dinner and have a beer.
Leave at 6:05
Head to State Street and find parking garage
Walk the streets like a prostitute and gigolo until 7:45PM
Arrive at comedy club at 7:45 for the 8PM show and enjoy!
*Big Sappy Sigh*
He PLANNED to cruise State like a pair of street walkers. This guy totally gets me!
I LOVE first dates...
I wish I'd had more of them...
that actually is a really romantic thing, CONGRATS and have a GREAT TIME ya hooker. :D
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